Danny Guymon

561541_439931609391612_1476939700_nDanny Guymon, Computer Engineering, 2012

Hey NLCF Family!

This past year since graduation from my Masters program at Tech has been a whirlwind, but a fun, insightful one. I’m now working for Northrop Grumman in its Future Technical Leader’s program as a System Engineer. Everyday in this job, I’m constantly reminded that God is an unbelievable provider and orchestrator, because I look at my “4.0 GPA Aerospace PhD from MIT” colleagues and wonder how in the world I was able to even apply for this program :).  God has also been providing me with unique opportunities with my program counterparts to come along side them and have some neat conversations as we get to know each other. For example, the last three weeks I’ve been temporarily staying with a co-worker in the program up near DC until I permanently move in, and its been neat to see where our conversations end up going in regards to faith, God, social issues, etc.

Additionally, God’s blessed me with the opportunity to live with another colleague of mine and his friend this upcoming year, and I’m really looking forward to doing life with them and sharing Christ’s love with them as well!

As some of you may know, I’m engaged now! Another huge blessing! And also the fact that this summer is the first time Olivia and I are working/living in the same town in all the 3 years of being together has afforded us the opportunity to start building our relationship and faith as a unit in ways that we haven’t been able to before (church hunting, weekly couple bible studies, serving others through sharing our love of food and cooking!)

Even though this past year was exceptionally busy, busier than my busiest moments of grad school at times, I learned one big thing: if you can filter through all the noise, clutter and excitement of a new chapter of life, God is still there, constant, providing, and running towards you.

I miss NLCF and the Engage Groups and all the kingdom work you guys are doing! Praying for y’all constantly! God bless!

– Danny

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