Get ready for Hokies for the Hungry – Thursday, Nov. 4th! (The night of the Virginia Tech/ Georgia Tech game)
This year, we have a chance to collect thousands of cans and thousands of dollars for those in need all over the New River Valley. Over the last 14 years, the Marching Virginians (MVs) have been collecting canned goods and money for the Montgomery County Christmas Store to help needy families in the areas have a joyful, rather than a difficult, holiday season.
However, the MVs have to leave to enter the stadium to perform, lacking the manpower to finish the rest of the time.
So last year [nlcf] teamed up with the MVs to work with them. Together we collected the MOST EVER total number of cans and dollars!!!
Please come and join us this year for this great time of service!! We’ll meet on the Marching Virginian’s practice field before the game. Find out more from your home group representative or from Mike Swann.