What’s on the calendar for this week?

1. HomeGroup 101:  Wednesday (25th) & Thursday (26th) @ 7.00 @ 130 Jackson.

Looking for a small group of people to connect with?  Join us for HomeGroup 101 – a time to learn about what HomeGroups are, meet leaders and members in the different groups and hangout at the Breakzone (Squires) for some games of pool and bowling.   HomeGroup 101 will meet on the steps in front of Squires at 6:45 Wed. or Thur. this week.  note: HG 101 is for NEW students as well as former HG members!

2. Gobblerfest: Friday (27th) from 3pm to 1.30a (Squires/College Avenue/Downtown Blacksburg area)

Gobblerfest is an event hosted by Virginia Tech.   Stop by [nlcf]’s table and say HI!

3. Wii Bowling Competition: Saturday (29th) @ 8pm in 130 Jackson.

You can either come in teams of 2 or 4, but there will also be a solo competition.  Prizes will be awarded.  Sign up during HG 101 or email info@nlcf.net

Mark your calendars:

Kickoff Hokie Football with a Hokies vs. Boise State Tailgate: Monday – September 6th @ 6pm @ 130 Jackson.

[nlcf]’s Annual Fall Retreat will be Friday/Saturday – October 29th/30th.  More details to come.

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