Engineers’ Engage Group

The Engineers’ Engage Group has been an important part of my life for over a year now.  I came to [nlcf] looking for not only a welcoming community of Christians, but also a smaller group of people that I could get to know and rely on as close friends.  The Engineering Engage Group turned out to be just that!  Because we are a group that is much smaller than the average Engage Group at [nlcf], it’s easy to bond pretty quickly and get to be good friends. The smaller size of our group also allows us to look at scripture in more depth and hear personalized opinions and comments about our weekly reading.  Being an engineer doesn’t mean we have to apply our major to everything we talk about; on the contrary, the Engineering Engage Group gives us a chance to express each of our unique personalities while learning some great lessons from God in the process.

~ Coleman Merenda

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