Fall Kick-Off Is Coming!

It’s August 1st! Kick-off is only a few weeks away! Let’s start preparing and praying for a great fall!

First, do you know any incoming freshmen? How can you get them connected with your friends and NLCF family? Here are some awesome ways to introduce them to NLCF and connect with new incoming freshmen…

-We can help move people in! Let’s participate in Hokie Helpers together on Wed, August 19th! This is a great way to serve incoming freshmen and bless them. It’s also a great opportunity to invite them to our annual pizza party on the drill field! If you know anyone specifically moving in (on or off campus), grab some NLCF friends and offer to help!

– Our annual Pizza Party is Thursday, August 20th at 6p on the drill field (by the chapel). We get tons of pizza and have lots of yard games set up. It’s totally free! Invite friends and come hang out and meet new friends!

– On Saturday, August 22nd, we are having a Welcome Back Cook-Out at the Duck Pond at 6p. This is a great time to reconnect with friends you’ve missed over the summer or bring new friends you’ve made.

– Our first worship gatherings of the semester will be on Sunday, August 23rd! Same times, same places: 11a in Colonial Hall, Squires and 7:07p in 130 Jackson!

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