Fall Retreat Details!

fall retreat 2013Who? YOU are invited to spend 24 hours with us! If you are new to NLCF, don’t hesitate to come join in on the fun & fellowship! And make sure people from your Engage Group are coming – the more the merrier!

When? Sept 27th-28th from 5:00p – 5:00p!

Where? We will spend Friday evening and Saturday morning at nearby Camp Tuk-A-Way. We will spend Saturday afternoon at Mountain Lake Treetop Adventures doing a high-ropes course!

Why Should I Go?
To spend time outside of your normal routine & surroundings to hang out and get to know others in NLCF, spend focused time pursuing God, to be able to say that you’ve done a high-ropes course, and because it will be GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL!

What Will We Do?

  • worship through music
  • teachings & break-out sessions
  • campfire & smores
  • high-ropes course (or other activities for those not into heights)
  • individual time with God
  • breakfast & lunch together on Saturday
  • general fun & shenanigans

Cost? The cost is $45 which includes breakfast & lunch Saturday, lodging Friday night, retreat materials, and the high ropes course (which alone costs more than $45!)

How Do I Register? Registration is easy! Just go to nlcf.net/campus/registration and fill in the information. It takes about 1 minute to complete! You can pay with Paypal when you register, or you can bring cash or a check to the retreat. Make checks out to “NLCF.”

Other Details:

  • If you can only come for some or part of the retreat, that is okay! We want you there for as much of it as possible!
  • If you need a ride, we will have a place to meet for carpooling!
  • The Orange & Maroon Engage Group Families are competing to see who can get the most people to the retreat! The winners will be served breakfast by the other family!

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