Freedom Series Monologue

Freedom Series Monologue

Since the day of our birth
our arrival on this earth
we’ve heard a lot about FREEDOM
that it flows through our pedigree
because of our nationality
but in reality
that information is a fallacy
because self-determination
doesn’t instill responsibility
and that absence
that vacuum
consumes and we assume
that FREEDOM means
we can do as we please
without consequence
but there is always an expense
the small print we dismiss
until things go amiss
and they always do, don’t they?
a taste, a sip, a step too far
from our Creator’s design
hear me, this is NEVER benign
our belief in
our costless freedom depiction
this elaborate fiction
is fertile ground for addiction
because freedom without wisdom
is actually a bondage
we’re held hostage
in shackles forged by our own garbage
we theorize, rationalize, and trivialize
our acceptance of lies
but let me make this plain
as if I should have to explain
that a chain, by any other name
is still A CHAIN
this isn’t where our story will remain
it’s one the Author is still writing
this is where it gets exciting
because, to win us back to Him,
He steps in and starts fighting
to bring emancipation
for our sin-sick situation
For our absolution
for embracing pollution
Jesus, our Champion
takes all of our sin
our indulgent prison
our selfish insurrection
upon Himself
He takes both the penalty and the enmity
of our self-destructive tendency
and absorbs the fullness of wrath
earned by our wayward path
He makes a spectacle
of the manacles
that had chained us to the floor
in authority and victory
they are destroyed forevermore
which means that in this FREEDOM
not only are those chains
broken off of us
it means we don’t have to
stand and stare at them
like we’re still bound by them
cuz we’ve been found by Him
made alive within
and freed from  sin
if that don’t put a fire in your belly
your wood’s wet
so get your head set
on the debt that’s been paid
our lives remade
shout aloud if you get this
if, by His freedom, you’ve been blessed
and it’s an anthem that burns in your chest
of the Father’s good pleasure
and the extravagant measure
He takes to make wretches like us
into His treasure

By Franklin Harrison

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