Hope you’re enjoying Thanksgiving time. Whether you’re “home” or “home-home” or wherever, keep on loving everyone and striving for an A! ; )
If you missed Joe’s talk this week it was a very good one. Find it at just to your right at “Recent Posts- 1 John”
Some things to remember:
1. Remember to sign up for IGNITE!!! It is going to be an amazing journey together as we grow in our faith and love together. The IGNITE theme for this year is DEEPER. WIDER. HIGHER. And I believe will really spur us on in our desire to be DEEPER. BOLDER. GETTING IN RHYTHM WITH GOD. Sign up at http://www.gcmignite.org/ Hope you can be a part of it!!!
2. nlcf. Deeper. will be this coming Monday night (the first day of classes again for students). Don’t forget you’ covered dish if you’re from a HomeGroup. Come Hungry for some covered dish goodness! 7 pm @ Jackson St!
3. Angel Tree: God, unlike the world, has always chosen to identify closest with those who are isolated and broken (Matthew 25:35-40). Prison Fellowship Ministry’s Christmas Angel Tree reaches out to prisoners and their families as both an act of service to Jesus and as a contribution to restoring peace and family bonds in broken and hurting families in our very own community. Prison Fellowship is a truly volunteer dependent ministry. If you would like to purchase a gift for a child we will have angels to pick up this Sunday in the services. Thank you NLCF for your tireless and continuing support to these families year after year…you are a beautiful example of Jesus’ love!
4. The nlcf Christmas party is Monday, Dec. 7th. Stay tuned for more info!