Lent: Photo-A-Day

Throughout Lent, we want to be preparing our hearts for the arrival of Easter. Lent isn’t just about what we are removing from our lives, but what we are including so that we are looking to Christ. 

So simply take a photo throughout the day that represents the word for the day and share it!  Make sure you hash-tag #nlcflent on Instagram & Twitter or tag @nlcf net on Facebook!


Feb. 13 – Quiet
Feb. 14 – I am …
Feb. 15 – Empty
Feb. 16 – Morning

Feb. 18 – Letting go
Feb. 19 – Reflection
Feb. 20 – I listened to …
Feb. 21 – Freedom
Feb. 22 – Stillness
Feb. 23 – Looking up

Feb. 25 – Simplicity
Feb. 26 – On my mind
Feb. 27 – Something you’re grateful for
Feb. 28 – Where you stood
March 1- Truth
March 2 – Someone that inspires you

March 4 – Nature
March 5 – Makes me think …
March 6 – Perfect
March 7 – What you read
March 8 – Worship
March 9 – Strength

March 11 – Hope
March 12 – Service
March 13 – New life
March 14 – Finding rest
March 15 – Complete
March 16 – Peace

March 18 – Passion/visionary
March 19 – Your neighborhood
March 20 – Prayer
March 21 – Hands
March 22 – Dream
March 23 – I’m thankful for …

March 25 – Your view today
March 26 – Contentedness
March 27 – Love is …
March 28 – Something beautiful
March 29 – Whole
March 30 – Celebration

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