Identity theft is really a pretty straightforward thing. If you are the thief, you want to try to gain access to your victim’s world so that you can use it for whatever purposes you have. If you are the owner of that identity, you try to keep that from happening.
In some cases we know to be very careful. We don’t give out our Social Security Number, our PINs, we don’t let people get our licenses or credit cards. But we aren’t always so vigilant. Sometimes those of us who would never leave our doors unlocked or our wallets in plain sight can leave other areas of our lives and hearts wide open to being taken. And the bible would say that those parts are infinitely more precious than a television in our living room or a credit card number.
Let me ask you a question, what if you have been living without something that is rightfully yours? What if you have grown so accustomed to living without it you don’t even realize it is gone anymore?
Over the next six weeks, we invite you to dare to look at who you really are and who you really could be. What you have been created to do. To look at how you are connected to God and the power that comes from that connection. We will look for the places where our identity has been stolen, and to the places where we have just given it away. You will be encouraged and challenged. You will laugh and think.
Aug 22, 2010 – Where the Whole Idea Got Started
Aug 29, 2010 – Reclaiming our Stolen Property
Sept 5, 2010 – Experiencing What Is Truly Ours
Sept 12, 2010 – The King of Kings
Sept 19, 2010 – The Kingdom Come
Sept 26, 2010 – The Kingdom and the Power