November Happenings

servehimSome exciting opportunities to serve and bless others together are coming up this month as well as some opportunities to share with each other what God is doing in NLCF and in our individual lives! Check out some cool things happening this month…

– We have a long-standing relationship with a sister church in Danli, Honduras. Each year we take a team there over spring break to come alongside them as they reach out to their community. Find out more about how you can be a part of this trip at our interest meetings on Sunday, Nov 10th after both worship gatherings.

– We have been partnering with the Marching Virginians for a number of years for Hokies for the Hungry – an effort to collect “one can from every fan” that is donated to the Montgomery County Christmas Store. On Friday, Nov 15th we will be collecting donations outside of Kroger on South Main St. On Saturday, Nov 16th, we will collect donations from fans before the VT vs. MD football game. On Sunday, Nov. 17th we will help deliver the donations to the MCCS and sort them! Get a group of friends together and sign up here to help:

– Being a member of a local church is an important part of our walks with God. Read about why we think membership matters here. If you’d like to know more about what it means to be a member of NLCF, our membership class will be happening, but it has been postponed until next semester!

– We know a lot of NLCFers are very creative people. We want to give you a chance to respond creatively to what we’ve been learning together during the Galatians. Do you paint, draw, sculpt, take pictures, dance, write music, create poetry, dream up monologues, etc.? Share your responses to the Galatians series at Ex Nihilo – an informal coffee shop/open mic night on Monday, Nov. 18h starting at 7p in 130 Jackson.

– Every year we pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes! This is something we do in our Engage Groups, but it an also be a great way to get your hallmates and classmates involved in spreading some Christmas love to kids around the world who may not otherwise receive a gift. OCC shoeboxes are due before we leave for Thanksgiving break!


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