Prayer After the Service Tomorrow

Hello [nlcf],

All of our hearts have likely been broken over the past day.  Violence and death is horrific in any form, but this many deaths of children and those who have dedicated themselves to teaching them creates a unique kind of sadness and pain.  Tomorrow we are going to have a time of prayer immediately following the 11am gathering (our only gathering tomorrow) in Colonial Hall, probably about 30 minutes. You can stay for none, some, or all of it.We are repeatedly reminded in the scriptures that going to God in prayer is one of the most powerful ways we can impact our broken and hurting world, not the only one certainly, but one of the strongest.  Tomorrow, let’s go to the throne room of God on behalf of people that are walking through a season in life that no one should ever have to go through and all too many do.

Until tomorrow, peace.


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