Psalms Meditation – July 29

“The Lord Reigns”

Read Psalm 93

The rule of God is beyond challenge. The most terrible assault imainable to the ancient Hebrew mind, the raging of the sea, cannot touch the Lord in his majesty. If we can be sure about the aolidity of his rule, we can also be sure of his decrees. What he says is as sure as what he is.

“God, the Lord, a King remaineth, robed in His own glorious light; God hath robed Himself and reigneth; He hath girt himself with might. Alleluia! Alleluia! God is King in depth and height! God is King in depth and height!” Amen.
(John Keble, “God, the Lord,, a King Remaineth”

By Eugene Peterson, “A Year with the Psalms” p. 108

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