Summer @ nlcf

Here’s a week at a glance for this summer at nlcf

Sunday: Worship Service– 9:30am @ the Lyric

Monday: Worship and Prayer– 8pm @ the VT Chapel

Women’s Bible Study– 7pm @ JAX (Contact Wendy at [email protected])
Men’s Book Study– “Wild at Heart”- 7 pm @ Zach’s (Contact Dongbo at [email protected])

Koinonia (Summer HG)– 7pm-9pm @ JAX (Contact Steve @ [email protected])
Blacksburg Married HG – 6:30pm (Contact Holly @ [email protected])
Blacksburg Married HG (Swann HG)- 7:30pm @ the Swann’s house (Contact Sarah @ [email protected])

Christiansburg Married HomeGroup– 6:30pm (Contact Dom @ [email protected])

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