Whether you will be here in Blacksburg for one week, or all summer…WELCOME! We are so excited to have you here with us. If you haven’t already heard, summers in Blacksburg are incredible. Life slows down a bit, there’s more time to relax, and there’s plenty of parking around town!
We will be getting things started this summer with our SUMMER KICKOFF! Join us this Sunday (May 26th) at Caboose Park (Blacksburg Municipal Park) at 11a. We will have a short worship service at Shelter 2, and then there will be a cookout and games! Feel free to bring a side dish to share.
After our Summer Kickoff, we will get settled into a modified schedule for the rest of the summer through mid-August. Since most of our congregation leaves Blacksburg this time of year, we get the chance to mix up our normal weekly rhythms.
Sunday Gatherings– Starting on June 2, we will jump into a 10a rhythm of combining with New Life at 130 Jackson. As usual, there will be fellowship, worship through song, and teaching.
Summer Engage Group Family– Starting on Wednesday, May 29th we will gather together at the Squires Food Court (near ABP) for our Summer Family! Bring your own dinner, and then there will be discussion to follow. These are great times to invite anyone to come join! Stay tuned on Facebook for more details.
Tuesday Night Prayer– Same day, new time! We’ll meet at the Loft at 7p on Tuesdays for group prayer in a casual atmosphere. Sometimes we will be joined by some folks from New Life!
Want to stay up to date this summer? Let us know and we’ll keep you posted!