Wii Bowling and Honduras Fundraiser

Did you miss [nlcf]’s first ever Wii Bowling Tournament? Here’s a recap!

Prizes went to the following:

Best Team Name: “Wii Just Wanna Have Fun” (Matt, Dianne, Dan, Kate)

Highest Individual Score:
Turtle – 247

Runner-up for Highest Individual Score:
Jeff – 246

Highest Team Score:
“DoDo-Tomogram” (Joe, Evan, Turtle, Jason) – 856

Lowest Score of t
he Night: Robbie

We also raised $94 with our snack bar. All the money is going to our sister church in Danli, Honduras, to help those who have been affected by the severe rain and flooding. Thank you to Cassy, Kati, Jenna, Amy, and Kristen for baking goodies for the fundraiser.

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