When and where is it?
- Danli, Honduras
March 1st – 8th, 2008 (Spring Break) - Managua, Nicaragua
May 17th – 24th, 2008 (Week after ’08 Graduation)
What will we do?
Work in the following areas:
- Early Childhood Education
- Malnutrition Recovery
- Economic Development
- Remodeling Facilities at the Center for the Nutrition of Infants
Who should go?
It is an excellent opportunity to serve and to be a part of what God is doing in a different part of the world. If you are interested come see how NLCF connects with Honduras and Nicaragua. And to answer that question, you should.
What was is like last year?
Take a look at Craig’s photo album from 2006.
Is there limited space?
Yes. So make sure you read the next question and answer.
What are the important dates, times, and places to remember?
- October 28th – Information Meeting: We’ll have an opportunity for you to ask all the questions and hear from those who have gone on previous trips. This time will focus on the big picture. (Squires in Colonial Hall @ 2 – 3PM)
- November 4th – Logistics Meeting: You will have the opportunity to sign up and talk about all the logistics regarding the trips. It will be another opportunity to ask questions and start focusing on the details. (Squires in Colonial Hall @ 2 – 3PM)
- November 11th – MOST IMPORTANT MEETING: This is the time you bring your $50 deposit which secures your place on the plane. We will focus on how to effectively raise the funds for the trip and answer any questions. Due to limited space, these opportunities are first come, first serve. (Zach’s Place @ 2 – 4PM)
How much would either of these trips cost? I would LOVE to do one trip, but money is a big factor…
The cost of the trip ranges depending on how many people go. If you really want to go, please do not consider cost a major factor in your decision. Email me and I will give you a more exact cost and how we handle this and other issues as a team.
Will you take others in the community if space is available and there is a desire to participate?
Yes – there are still a few spots available for the Nicaragua trip which is May 17th – 24th.
Send me an email if you want more information.