Dominic Rivera

dom riveraDominic Rivera, Finance, 2001

Involvement in NLCF: I played guitar on the worship team and for home group, helped start and facilitate a campus-wide worship and prayer night, and I was an intern at Myrtle Beach LT in 2000.

Since Graduation: I moved to Charlotte, NC from 2001-2004. I worked for Bank of America Securities and led worship at a church plant. In 2005, I joined a church planting organization in Europe called Christian Associates and moved to Aix en Provence, France. I’ve lived in France for over six years. During that time, I met my wife, Hilary, and I now serve as the Lead Pastor of an international church in Aix. Hilary started a wine education business, WineInProvence, doing wine tastings and tours in the region. I still follow VT football (through chinnbox – thanks Wendy and David!) My experience at NLCF was life-shaping, and it affects how I live and do ministry every day. I love what God has done through NLCF and we hope to visit again soon!

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