Kyle Lotier, Civil Engineering, 2006
Involvement in NLCF: I attended Tech and NLCF from 2002 until 2006. While I was there, I was a Lifegroup leader, Homegroup apprentice, and Homegroup leader. NLCF was a key part of my spiritual maturation, and it was during my time there that my faith really became my own and I discovered who I was and who, and what, I wanted to be.
Since Graduation: After graduating I went into the Peace Corps. From 2006-2009 I served in Mali as a Water and Sanitation Volunteer. After returning to the States, I worked as a consulting engineer for about 18 months before realizing that that wasn’t what I wanted to do and going back to graduate school. I graduated from Marquette University in May 2013, and am now working for a Swiss NGO called Medair as a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project Manager in Zahle, Lebanon.