Lessons from LT

992998_10201372977950409_871130666_nIt all started in January. As I went to the Great Commission Ministries intern training, I knew this summer was going to be big. I expected God to use me to impact the students at Leadership Training because, in my mind, they were the focus of the summer. But God didn’t just bring me here for them, He wanted to strengthen me too. I feel like an immense portion of the summer has been consumed by God revealing truth to me and asking me to believe it.

Before coming into this summer, one of the biggest lies I believed about God was that He would not provide for me. Not because He couldn’t or didn’t want to, but because, inevitably, something would get in the way. So, to keep myself safe, I made a point of having a back up plan for everything, just in case God didn’t come through. Probably the best example of this tendency is my reasoning for going to graduate school. My thought was, “If God calls me on staff, but it doesn’t work out, I want to be able to support myself.” Because I’m studying Sociology, I felt ill-equipped to face the current job market with just an undergraduate degree. So, grad school became my plan B for God.

Since coming to LT, God has shined the light of His truth into my life. Over the last six weeks, God has rescued me from all sorts of ailments, including car trouble, family difficulties, heartbreak, and money worries. My car gets flooded? Somehow the water damage gets removed and I avoid the $500 deductible. A situation comes up with someone I love but I can’t do anything to fix it? God creates job opportunities for that person. A dream gets deferred? God reminds me that He has bigger dreams for me. I have to raise $4,000 in four weeks to complete my support for my internship? God secures over half of it in one weekend. It’s as if God has been shouting at me through every possible avenue, “I’ve got you.”

You see, God has provided for me. I wouldn’t have the opportunity to intern here if He hadn’t. God does provide for me. He is proud of the job I am doing at LT and wants me to continue serving others and growing closer to Him. God will provide for me. Even when I doubt Him, His ability and His love for me, God will love me anyway.

I’m not saying I’ve beaten this lie; I know trusting God in this way will be a daily choice I have to make for the rest of my life. But I can say for a fact that I have never felt more loved and cared for by my Heavenly Father than I have this summer.

It might be an overused cliché, but this summer has truly flown by. Somehow, it is already July 25th. In three weeks, I will trade the beach for the mountains and settle back into Blacksburg. I’m excited to continue to trust God as I enter my senior year and see what new and exciting adventures He has in store for me.

~ Sabrina Nordan

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