7 Questions With Karin

Karin Caruso 2012We’re sad to see Karin go, but before she does, we asked her to answer a few questions about the upcoming changes in her life…

1. What are you doing next?

Serving the community of Northstar Church (in Blacksburg) with my studly husband-to-be!

2. What new things are you most excited about?

Marrying Ryan, living in a cool apartment together, but still getting to eat Gillies breakfast several times a week.

3. What will you miss most about nlcf?

The girls in my Huddle: they give the best hugs ever and laughing with them is a blast! And staffers that dare each other to wear adult diapers. And 130 jackson- it’s a great venue!

4. One of your favorite memories from working with nlcf?

I loved heading up the Hokies for the Hungry with the Marching Virginians! And how could I forget the “Call Me, maybe” parody… maybe the highlight of my musical career. (soooo much sarcasm!)

5. How can nlcf pray for you as you go through these changes?

Prayers for obedience and grace in ministry and marriage! That I allow God to do all the heavy lifting and I am merely an instrument of His glory.

6. Something you learned from your time with nlcf?

There is not enough room to write all that! NLCF has taught me about what it means to be in ministry, how to balance your work load and your personal life, how to keep Christ as the priority, disciple in work, flexibility in schedule, grace in personal relationships, humility in instruction, having joy in your work and what a blessing it is to enjoy what you do!

7. Favorite memory with the staff team?

When we had an at-length discussion about wearing adult diapers for the day and Jim was ready to go out and get it started, only to come back and report that Tracy said “Absolutely not.” 

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