There were many different reasons I discovered as to why God was leading me back to Honduras for the third time this past spring break. These included reminding me of how He has completely saved me and how desperately I need him, taking me to a new level in my faith, and reminding me of the calling and passion he has put on my life.
For the past year, I felt God calling me to take a next step in my faith, but I didn’t know what that looked like. I kept asking God what it would look like and where he wanted me, but I was never willing to take that step of boldness and completely trust in my Heavenly Father. There were still things I wanted to hang on to and wasn’t ready to give to him.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5. This verse has been on my heart since I have returned to the U.S. We can do NOTHING without him and we so desperately need him. That is so amazing to me and I am so thankful for this because I would fail miserably without him. God has really shown me how desperately I need him and that I can do nothing without him.
I am the deepest in my faith that I have ever been since I accepted Christ in my life. It’s amazing what God can do in a matter of a week when your sole focus is completely on him. During that week in Honduras, God rekindled the calling and passion He first gave me freshman year.
Since my freshman year, after traveling to Honduras for the first time, I knew that God wanted me to be a full-time missionary. I didn’t know how or where and I had my fears about how I was going to be able to do it. I knew that my parents wanted me to get my engineering degree to get a good job within the U.S., but I realize now that God has different plans for me and wants me in Honduras full-time after graduation. He said to me, “Jamey, I have given you this passion for a reason. Why would you not do it? Why would you not trust me completely in this? I want more than good for your life, I want extraordinary and I want to do extraordinary things through you.”
I am so excited for this calling that God has put in my life and I know that God is going to provide. He ALWAYS provides. I wake up every morning wanting to burst into tears because of his great love and his amazing glory. I’ve been asking him to bring me to this place every day and to break my heart for the people who don’t know him. Our number one purpose and mission in life is to be sharing the love of Christ with the people around us. Needless to say, my spring break experience in Honduras was a life-changing experience and one I will never forget.
– Jamey Smith