Peace That Transcends Understanding

Steve Englund shared about “just a little bit” of peace in his talk on Sunday. Mike Swann shared some great reflection questions at [nlcf] Deeper on Monday night. Steve shared about three ways we try to find peace outside of Christ: escaping, trusting in earthly possessions, and taking the easy route in life.

Here are Mike’s reflection questions to help you go deeper as you reflect on how/where you find peace in your life:

1. Are we escaping or are we rejuvenating?

  • Is it sin?
  • Is it edifying?
  • Are we procrastinating?

2. Are we trusting in our earthly possessions, or are we being wise stewards of the things we’ve been given?

  • Are we tithing at least 10%?
  • Are we spending more than 5-10% of our budget on entertainment?
  • Are we spending more than we’re making?
  • Are we stressed out about money or trusting in God’s provision?

3. Are we taking the easy route in life or are we living fully for Christ and his mission?

  • Have we thought about our school as a ministry?
  • Are you thinking about how you can be missional in your future career, or is it just a job that gets you to living the “American dream” of a white picket fence and 2.5 kids ?
  • Is “good money” and “job security” more important to you than a life fully lived for the gospel?

For some additional reflection, consider a fourth alternative we often take to God’s peace…

4. Are we running too hard so we don’t have to think about our problems or are we taking time for solitude?

  • Are you following the Lord’s command to take a Sabbath?
  • Are you at unrest when there is nothing to do and nothing to distract you?

I hope these questions have helped you reflect on how and where you look for peace. Here’s the truth: we can’t find true peace outside of Christ. We have to receive peace from God. And what is peace? Steve defined it as “confidence in God.” Confidence that He is in control and He knows what He’s doing. Confidence that his plans for us are good and He loves us.

We ended our time at [nlcf] Deeper with this scripture, and I hope you’ll take some time to commit it to memory:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

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