Face to Face – Bekah Routzon

11856348_10207793959716011_7192856799907319967_oBekah Routzon
Psychology, Junior
Hometown: Hampton, VA/ Watauga, TX

Favorite thing about NLCF: The wonderful sense of family and home we have in this community! God has blessed me with some of the greatest friends I’ve ever had.

Describe yourself in 3 words: bubbly, huggable, Olaf (from Frozen)

Favorite scripture: I have so many! But if I had to narrow it down, right now it would probably be Psalm 46:10- Be still and know that I am God.

Dream job: A criminal profiler for the FBI (believe it or not!) or a Disney princess

Little known fact about you: Despite the fact that I am probably one of the biggest Disney fans you have ever met, I’ve never been to Disneyworld!

Hobbies: ballroom dancing, singing, writing, reading

What are you reading right now?: Well, I’m trying to work my way through the “Game of Thrones” series (and it’s taking longer than it probably should).

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