Face to Face – Nick Masella

12010650_1190442714302951_858370195711579741_oNick Masella
Political Science, Sophomore

Song/artist you’ve been listening to lately? I have been listening to Zac Brown Band a lot lately. All of their songs have such an awesome vibe and their newest album JEKYLL + HYDE has such a wide variety of music, its amazing.
Favorite Scripture? I have many favorites, but I really like Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important as yourself.” I feel as though this verse is a great representation of Ut Prosim and being a member of the Corps, the “self” and “individual” is stripped from you, allowing you to care for and lead others.
How would you describe yourself in 3 words? HUG ME BROTHER
What would be your dream job? My dream job would be to travel the world as some sort of diplomat, meeting amazing people.
Favorite thing about NLCF? My favorite thing about NLCF is the people. God has led amazing souls into NLCF that are extremely welcoming and bright.
Best class you’ve taken at VT? The best class I have taken at VT so far was my Comparative Government class with Dr. Thomas. She opened my eyes to so many relevant world issues that I had no idea about. I also learned a great deal about different countries and their histories.
Little known fact about you? I was on the cover of a magazine!
Something God has been showing you? God has been showing me how to live a life where I put my faith first. There have been times where I haven’t felt prepared, whether it is for a test or the Cadet EG. He has guided me and shown me that, in the end, His plan for us is greater than the plan we have for ourselves.

1 thought on “Face to Face – Nick Masella”

  1. I have a copy of that magazine cover!! Nick, I couldn’t ask for a better best friend for my Adam. You have always been there through thick and thin. You know our strengths and our weaknesses and love and accept us just the same. Love you bunches,

    “Adam’s mom”… ha ha..

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