Keeping up with the "Ripple" Series

Wanna get even more in depth with the “Ripple” series? Not sure what it is?

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  • Series Description:
    Big things start with small things. Oaks come from acorns. Skyscrapers start with those first golden shovels turning over dirt. Shaq was small at some point (allegedly). Even massive waves start as ripples. We get it.

    Every major movement for good on this planet has started with someone saying, “why not”? No guarantees—just the shot at some amazing possibilities. Every movement of God has started the same way. Someone hears from God, sees an opportunity for great good—or finally gets bothered enough to do something about the evil that we are immersed in. They say, “okay” to God and away we go.

    If all the church is is a group of people trying to follow and serve an awesome God—if that isn’t just something we sing and then forget about—then we should all have ripples around us. And when enough ripples come together, they stop being ripples. And they become a wave. And it’s time for [nlcf] to make some waves.

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