Psalms Meditation – Aug. 7

“Out of the Depths”

Read Psalm 130:1-4

There is no trouble so severe that it cuts a person off from God; there is no sin so powerful that it removes a person from the greater power of forgiveness. The witness of the troubled, suffering and afflicted who prayed and found their lives changed by a loving God is encyclopedic.

PRAYER: “Lord, from the depths to Thee I cried: my voice, Lord, do Thou hear: unto my supplication’s voice give an attentive ear….I wait for God., my soul doth wait, my hope is in His word. More than they that for the morning watch, my soul waits for the Lord.” Amen.
(Scottish Psalter, “Lord from the Depths”)

by Eugene Peterson, “A Year with the Psalms” p. 167

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