I like reading other women’s blogs. Many of them I don’t know personally, but I feel like I do know them in the Lord. They share their lives and faith, and I learn so much from them.
I was reading one today in which a woman posted this as part of a blog post:
“That’s the bottom line…give to God generously, above and beyond what you are called to give, and do it with joy. Live your life directed toward His voice, knowing that one day, He may ask you to give it all away. It may be as insignificant as a silly purse (nothing personal, Coco), or as meaningful as someone you love. None of it is ours, not one bit.”
I couldn’t have said this better myself. Part of living out our faith is to give to God generously, above and beyond, AND to do so with joy. I desire to live my life directed toward His voice. And I want to be ready to give all that he calls me to do.
What do I have right now that I can give? Time? Money? Possessions? Friendship? I want to be seeking God daily to be in touch with what he might have me sacrifice for him and his kingdom…