Eugene Peterson writes:
“We are not presented with a functional god who will help us out of jams or an entertainment god who will lighten our tedious hours. We are presented with the God of exodus and Easter, the God of Sinai and Calvary. If we want to understand God, we must do it on his terms. If we want to see God the way he really is, we must look to the place of authority–to Scripture and to Jesus Christ.
And do we really want it any other way? I don’t think so. We would very soon become contemptuous of a god whom we could figure out like a puzzle or learn to use like a tool. No, if God is worth our attention at all, he must be a God we can look up to–a God we must look up to…The moment we look up to God (and not over at him, or down at him) we are in the posture of servitude.”*
Wow. This was all I needed to read today to challenge my faith. Am I in the position of servitude? Do I have the posture of looking up at God in this way?
Psalm 123 is a good prayer for me to cling to…
*Eugene H. Peterson. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, p. 63.