Sorry for the posting pause. It was a long computer-less weekend: Saturday in my garden, Sabbath lunch with old friends from LA, a 6th wedding anniversary dinner for free, and a 4th Indie movie (Spielberg had me until the Tarzan monkey scene). Monday again in the garden at my granddad’s was a moment that transcended just about any experience I’ve had to date: At 93, my granddad is not planting as much these springs, so I put some pumpkin and squash seedlings in next to his strawberries. The earth was fresh, the air was perfect, and my girls were exploring the endless world of these miraculous 3 acres—just as I did 25 years ago, just as my mom had 55 years ago, just as her mom had 85 years ago! I retired to the hammock with Hayli on my stomach and we both fell asleep for what seemed like hours. If heaven is not much more than that, I won’t be disappointed. My gratitude to God for his blessing is beyond expression.