Summer In the ‘Burg

blacksburg-farmers-marketWhat’s Happening in June:
Because the NLCF staff are spending time raising support during the month of June, we will not be starting a summer campus Engage Group/Bible study until the first week of July.  We highly recommend spending some extended times with God over the next few weeks and continuing to create space to listen to and hear from God.  Get together with friends!  Rest!  Enjoy being in God’s creation. We will be in contact throughout the month.  Feel free to use NLCF’s Facebook page (Nlcf Net) to connect with people.

Also join the Summer Reading Plan:

Week of May 19th – Mark Chapters 1-8
Week of May 26th – Mark Chapters 9-16
Week of June 2nd – John Chapters 1-5
Week of June 9th – John Chapters 6-10
Week of June 16th – John Chapters 11-15
Week of June 23rd – John Chapters 16-21

Summer Sunday Gatherings will be at 10am at 130 Jackson as we join with the New Life congregation.

*If you want to be on our summer listserv, send your email address to Steve!

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