How To Stay Connected This Summer!

summer1Even though we’re spread out across numerous places this summer, let’s remain connected to each other and to the Word! How can YOU stay connected with NLCF this summer?

Summer Scripture Reading: Study the Word with us by following this simple reading plan…

May – Mark
June – John
July/August – Acts

Some ideas to help: Try reading the same passage of scripture in a couple different translations (i.e. NIV, NLT, Amplified, The Message); use to read commentaries to go along with the scripture passages you are studying; check out this example of questions to ask when reading scripture; discuss what you’re reading regularly with your Engage Group!

Additional Reading Suggestions: “The Divine Conspiracy” (Dallas Willard) & “Ragamuffin Gospel” (Brennan Manning)

Summer Listserv: If you’re in Bburg this summer, send your email addy to Jeanette Staats to get on our summer listserv

Social Media: Keep up with us on FB (Nlcf Net) or on Twitter (@nlcfnet)

Give: If we are your regular church, please give out of what you earn this summer! It really helps!!

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