NLCF – Welcome to new students! from NLCF | Video Team on Vimeo.
So, here you are! You are about to begin what will likely prove to be one of the most defining seasons of your life.
I very clearly remember my first days at VT. My dad and I arrived at Pritchard Hall with all the stuff I was bringing in the back of our Honda Accord. My clothes, a radio (I know, I know, I am old), some milk crates to store things in and a blue steamers truck for a “coffee table.”
I guess, being an alum of Tech, and now having been on staff with New Life Christian Fellowship for the past 16 years, I might like to offer a few words from one who has been there.
First, make good friends. Friends that will help you to be the person you want to be. Not ones that will make it harder.
Second, make good decisions. You now have access to a level of freedom you likely have never experienced before. I let that freedom blow me up for a while. Don’t make my mistakes. I generated an illustrious GPA of 1.75 my first semester. I fought that for the rest of my time here at Tech. Even making a 3.96 my last semester didn’t fully correct it.
Third, find a group quickly that will help you walk closely with God. This is one of the most centrally important things you will do. There is a big debate about whether secular universities like Tech are out to crush your faith. I don’t think they are. Now I did have some professors who were very outspoken in their disdain for a lively faith in Jesus…
But you are mistaken if you think you won’t have your faith strongly challenged while you are here. That challenge will at times seem like it is coming from everywhere. Having a group that will allow you to process those questions you are getting honestly, that will help you to hear the voice of God, that will help you to really live out your faith… Well, it is a necessity.
Fourth, but certainly not least, let God be close to you. Talk with him, listen to him, worship him, learn more about him, and follow him.
We would love to walk through this time with you. Again, check us out on the web and feel free to stop by our 11am or our 7.07pm services!
Peace, Jim