What I’m Most Excited About This Summer…

Amy Englund: I’m looking forward to there being a smaller crowd around Blacksburg and within [nlcf]. It helps you get to know people you previously hadn’t really talked to before, especially within summer home groups/engage groups. And it’s easier to find parking around the burg!

Lisa Racek: I am looking forward spending more time with my kids, cooking out and eating in the backyard, going to the pool, and taking walks!

David Chinn: I am looking forward to playing outside with my daughter, grilling and making smores with family and friends, and introducing a new child into the world.

Steve Englund: This summer I am most looking forward to reflecting on the past year and getting refreshed for the upcoming school year.  And I’m also looking forward to doing a little fishing!

Kristal Poff: This is a summer of firsts for me: my first mission trip with [nlcf] to Ukraine & my first summer in Blacksburg!  I’ve heard so much about the beauty of these two experiences and I am excited to jump right in!

Mike Swann: Leadership Training!  I love having students across the street.  Our apartment is a revolving door all summer.  People come by to share what they are growing in, ask questions about the Bible, life, relationships, etc, or just to come over and have fun!  We love watching everyone (ourselves included) grow in our walk with God and our understanding of living in His Kingdom.  Being a block and a half from the beach isn’t bad either  ; )

Jeanette Staats: I am MOST looking forward to sitting in my hammock swing and reading!  But I’m also really looking forward to the down time that summertime in Bburg brings, seeing Ruslan (one of the orphans from Ukraine who was adopted and now lives in Virginia), time with family & friends, So You Think You Can Dance (reality tv!), and SNOWCONES!!

Sarah Holloway: I’m looking forward to growing things in my garden and making zucchini bread! I also can’t wait to get a tan!

Karin Caruso: Sunshine, blue skies, salty air, fun friends, fellowship, ice cream, fireworks, worship, starbucks… on the beach 🙂

What are you most excited about this summer? Leave a comment!

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