
Welcome to Blacksburg #VT22!


With Orientation starting today, we wanted to make sure you got a hearty welcome!  We hope that Blacksburg and the campus of Virginia Tech begins feeling like your home-away-from-home.  Family is important to all of us, and we would love to help you find a group of people here that you can call family.  You have a place here, and we’re glad you are coming to Virginia Tech!  We would love to extend an invitation to become part of the NLCF community.  Check out the info and videos below to get a better understanding of who we are and what we do!

About NLCF

One thing that may strike you first about NLCF is that we’re mostly comprised of college students! That’s right: a church built around YOU! We meet on campus, our schedule reflects the school year, and our desire is to see the Kingdom of God move on campus! We want to love God and love Hokies!

Learn about who we are, when/where we have Sunday Services, how to get involved in our small groups, and more!


While we have meals and small-groups (as we call Engage Groups) throughout the week all across campus, there are two spaces that we have a lot of gatherings: The Loft and 130 Jackson.  Check out this video to see where they are!


Want to get involved?


  • Moving into your Residence Hall– We’d love to give you a hand moving into your new Blacksburg-home!  Simply shoot an email to [email protected] and we can coordinate a few folks to come help move you in.

  • Kickoff – The week before classes start, and into the first few weeks of school, we will be having a ton of chances to meet new friends and have a blast!  From a Pizza Party Extravaganza on the Drillfield, to a Cookout in the Quad, there is a ton of free food, free swag, and awesome people.  Check out our Facebook page for the most up-to-date info!


We’re on Social Media!

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God’s Creation in You

I was watching a video series with Ben Stuart (if the name sounds familiar, it’s because it is – he did the breakaway series on dating) about the Song of Songs. I was excited because I had heard this section of the Bible was awesome, and I think Ben is pretty cool too. So really I just started watching it because Ben was teaching. And also apparently he is not at Texas A&M anymore so that’s shocking. I must keep tabs on his future endeavors.

During the third episode, centered around the wedding night (yaaasssss), something really hit me. I cried actually because I was so hurt and upset. Eve was the last creation of God. And let me tell you, it was not an afterthought. He didn’t forget to make her earlier and was like “oh crap! Eve is due at 11:59PM and it’s 11:34. Better get on that.” He didn’t rush, He saved her for last. He created the Woman last because it was His final masterpiece.

“The female form was the pinnacle of God’s creation, there is nothing in creation more beautiful.” That’s the thing that sent me to tears. Because every single woman has insecurities, some run deep. Every woman is told they are not “enough” (skinny, curvy, smart, bold, polite, strong, etc.) or they are too much of all of those things. That makes me mad. What an awful, but not surprising, thing for the enemy to do. To take what God has created as the pinnacle of beauty and to tell every woman (who the Lord designed to live in this identity) and tell her she is not worth it, or not beautiful enough. GRRRRRR.

NO. You are beautiful in every way and even still God has given each of you fantastic traits and quirks that bring me joy every day and I KNOW for sure He delights in each of you because He created you “last.” You are the pinnacle God’s creation. Mountains and sunsets ain’t got nothin’ on you, my dear.

So the main update on what God is healing in my life is a broken sense of reality for my own self-respect, worth, and beauty in my eyes. Because it’s easy to say God thinks I’m beautiful so I am, but it is another battle to feel it in your own heart. I can already tell this will be a long and slow process but that’s good because that’s where permanent change can take a strong grip. And since this grip is God’s grip, I know it will endure anything. Side note: cried twice writing this because I felt it so strongly and I have been praying that His message is received in your hearts. Additionally, in Reckless Love it says there’s no wall He won’t kick down, no lie He won’t tear down, coming after me (and you). So He’s coming for us.

– Lauren Haacke

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Summer Family and Engage Group

Over the summer, the Summer Family and Engage Group will be meeting every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm, starting on May 30th! We will be meeting in The Loft to enjoy a meal together in community and then move into a time of discussion, both as a large group and as small groups. Bring your own dinner and bring any questions you may have about the previous Sunday sermon, and we will look to have many great conversations throughout the summer months! Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Curtis [[email protected]] and Alainna [[email protected]] Goodnight or Enrique [[email protected]] and Morgan [[email protected]] Solorzano!

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“Broken”- A Reflection on the 2018 Honduras Trip

Broken. I spent weeks praying for God to prepare my heart to see the things I was told I was going to see in Honduras. Families crammed in homes that were barely homes. The creek from where the people of Los Quiscamotes got their drinking water. Trash and stray dogs at every corner. Brokenness. I spent weeks praying for God to prepare my heart to see brokenness.

I learned a lot in just one short week. I learned that any conversation could spark by asking “Como se dice….” and then pointing in a random direction. It was phenomenal. I learned that in Honduras, people associate Roosters with the noise “keekeedeekee” and not our usual “cockadoodledoo”. I learned that there are about a million ways you can serve beans, tortillas, and rice. I also learned very quickly that the people of Honduras love so well. From the people of Great Commission Church-Danli, to my host family, to the random person at the market that screamed at me in Spanish to zip up my purse to hide my money- Honduras is truly a place overflowing in love.

From when I was a kid, I have always been passionate about making videos. I love the idea of capturing moments that mean a lot to me and being able to share them with people that mean a lot to me. So, I was very intentional throughout the week to record everything from boarding the planes, to the team packing food bags, to carrying water filters, to blowing bubbles with the kids at the daycare, to beat boxing on the roof, to the team looking out at the sunset on bus rides. I got it all. Well, had it all. It was about 4 days in, and my camera was completely wiped.

We evangelized to a lot of houses in that short week of being in Honduras. But there was something dramatically different about the two houses I went to right after my camera was wiped. I saw God use me and the rest of the team to absolutely transform those two houses. I saw truth be spoken and believed in 20 minutes. I saw God work miracles- with my own eyes, and not through the lenses of a camera. I came to realize that what God did within the walls of those houses were moments that no camera would ever be able to capture for its true entirety.

Beautiful. I spent a week seeing ways of which Honduras was not broken. Kids hugging everyone they could before saying good-bye. Two women crying and embracing me out of pure gratefulness for God’s relentless love and grace. An entire church community prepping all day leading up to presenting the Lord’s word for His people. I spent a week realizing that we live for a God who makes the broken, beautiful. A God that knew it took gruesome death for glorious and eternal life. A God who chooses us to help His will be done but does not need us. I spent a week coming to the realization that the brokenness I prayed for God to prepare my heart to see, was the thing that God is already making beautiful.


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