Joe Blum, Communications, 2005
Sarah Blum, English, 2005
Involvement in NLCF: I (Sara) started going to NLCF when I was a sophomore in high school. I would go on Sundays with my brother who was leading a home group and got more involved as the years went by. During my time at NLCF, I attended LT, led three life groups, a home group and hosted a study group for women around the book “Making Peace with Your Past.” And I met my husband! Joe started going to NLCF his freshman year and led life groups, home group and was a famed “announcement guy” with John Irwin. He went to two LTs and was an intern at one.
Since Graduation: After graduation I spent a year in Santa Cruz with my best friend Shana Siler studying for my GREs and working. I decided to go to UC Longbeach to get my MA in English and moved to Los Angeles while I went to graduate school in 2006-2008. Joe went straight out to Los Angeles after college and dabbled in the film business. On December 31, 2007 we got married and after I finished graduate school we moved to Syracuse, NY for Joe to attend SU for a MS in photography and multimedia studies. We’ve been in Syracuse for almost three years now and are planning to stay for an unknown amount of time. Joe is starting a business, is heavily involved in the improv comedy community, and is teaching at a community college while I keep bringing home the bacon and supporting him in whatever way I can. We are striving to live in a way that showcases love and welcome to the people in our life.